Are there similarities between artists born in the same decade? Is there a common generational experience to be found?
These and many other questions will be answered when Espoon kuvataiteilijat – Esbo bildkonstnärer ry and Espoon kirjailijat – Esbo författare ry, both celebrating their 50th year in operation, combine their efforts to present the “Taiteiden havinaa” joint exhibition in Galleria Aarni. The exhibition is a part of “Taidemaalariliiton Juhlanäyttelyt” series of art related events. Every Saturday during October 2019 a selected group of artists and authors are invited to these events to discuss their perspectives and find common ground. Now is a great opportunity to experience a wide range of high quality art and enjoy the presence of the artists.
Last event of the series will see interaction between artists and author born in the 70’s and 80’s. Our guests are artists Jani Hänninen and Eveliina Hämäläinen with Seija Helander representing authors. Interviews between guests will be concluded.
The event starts at 14:00/2pm and it is mostly in Finnish.
Artwork: Eveliina Hämäläinen, One More Moonrise, ink on paper, 18x26cm, 2019