

30.6.2021 - 28.7.2021

Hello! We are Koulutuslupaukset the well educated tribe of Finlands Artworld! We are 15 artists with high fine arts education, working in the job that we studied for! To get to our exhibition we took a mink furred convertible and drove to Gallery Aarni to celebrate under chandeliers in the garden of  Mirabilis-wonderflowers. At our opening we put laurels on our heads to celebrate art and expertise in it`s many forms.

Our exhibition in Gallery Aarni is mostly about paintings and sculpture art. Our artists come all over Finland, even though most of us live in Helsinki or Tampere. This exhibition has art form very experienced artists who´s works have been shown in several museums, but also from artists that are making a comeback to the artworld and from some fresh new artists too, yet unknown to big audiences. And Now the exhibition proudly presents also happy awarded  artists with fresh new grants! Master of Arts and Cultural management and artpainter Helena Roininen is manager working for the project.

The idea of Koulutuslupaukset-project is to bring together artists working in Finland. Artists, who are worried about fulfilment  and continuity of their careers as artists. To Koulutuslupaukset exhibition in Gallery Aarni takes part fifteen highly educucated artists, who have taken part to Koulutuslupaukset-three joint exhibitions´s project. As premise to taking part of  Koulutuslupaukset was that artist had experienced challenges in displaying  hers/his art and that the artist hadn´t had remarkable exhibitions or grants in  the latest two years.

Our previous exhibitions have been in 2020 Seinäjoki`s Gallery Varikko and in Vaasa artist society`s Gallery Black Wall 29.1-21.2.2021.

The artists of the exhibition are

Loes van Dorp, drawings, photographs, Valkeakoski

Eveliina Hardi, sculpture, Helsinki

Matti Reivi, paintings, Pieksämäki

Maija Kimanen, paintings, Helsinki

Noora Ojala, sculpture/installation, Helsinki

Toni-Petri Ruotsalainen, paintings, Tampere

Merja Nykänen, sculpture, Vaajakoski

Lena Kuivisto, paintings, Turku

Sini Kallio, paintings, Tampere

Niina Kestilä, sculpture, Pyhäntä

Pirita Oikarinen, paintings, Lahti

Mikko Honkanen paintings, Tampere

Helena R. paintings, Helsinki

Sirpa Hannele Heinonen, sculpture, Kouvola

Alex Keyriläinen, paintings, Lappeenranta

If you have more inquiries from the exhibition or from the artists you can contact us from

We are grateful for the support from Taike, and Middle Finland´s cultural fund and Espoo city.