
The Mosaic Of Poems

29.6.2023 - 26.7.2023

Summer exhibition of the Espoo Kuvataiteilijat ry / Espoo Visual Artists Association.
The opening ceremony will be held as a summer party on Wednesday, June 28. at 6 p.m. Everybody welcome!

We’ll have speeches, summerly snacks and socializing. Troubadour Jusba Humaljoki plays live music.

The summer exhibition is a poetic mosaic assembled from the works of Espoo Visual Artists Association members. Poet Eino Leino’s birthday is July 6th, when Poetry and Summer Day is celebrated.

All 151 member artists of the Espoo Visual Artists Association have been invited to participate in the exhibition. Participation in the exhibition is free for all member artists.

This summer exhibition has a rich coverage of fine art from its various fields, such as oil paintings, acrylic paintings, watercolors, drawings, graphic arts, collages, sculptures and spatial art works. The artists’ own styles, different materials, special skills and diversity weave the exhibition into a poetic mosaic of fine art.

The picture above is a digital image mosaic, with some of the artworks from the summer exhibition, depicting works by 25 artists. From the top left: Helka Immonen, Maiju Ahlgrén, Aarre Kärkkäinen, Svetlana Ruoho, Anneli Hilli, MarjaLeena Pohjola-Valkola, Arto Palin, Nadezda Blagoeva-Ryynänen, Varpu Jaskari, Kari Puikkonen, Heikki Pasanen, Merja Castrén, Pia Backström, Päivi Eerikäinen, Anna Korpilinna, Maija Klemetti, Li Xinsheng, Ligita Purina, Seppo Nikkinen, Essu Koskinen, Sirkka Laakkonen, Leevi Kivisaari, Hilkka Okkonen-Uusikylä, Eeva-Riitta Vilkuna, Maarit Hedman. The picture mosaic was designed by Emmi Kemppainen.